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Giving Tuesday

This Giving Tuesday, we thank each person who has supported Bike Box Project throughout the year, and we want to recognize you for championing our work to build a community of people who fight against Parkinson’s Disease. Without your generous donations and the consistent support from community grants, the BBP community would not have grown so much over the past few years. Thank you for all that you do to help us continue this important work and to build a strong collective of people with the common goal of health, wellness, and ending PD.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know which organizations to support on Giving Tuesday. There are so many deserving groups (some of which are linked at the end of this post), and it is important to ensure that the dollars people donate are received by those they intend to support. Our organization aims to be as transparent as possible about the funds we receive and where those donations go. Below is a graphic illustrating where the money to support BBP came from between January and August of 2022.

To give a little more context, the public support section is everything that comes from our individual supporters. If you purchased a raffle ticket, bought a sweatshirt, sponsored a boxer, or rode in Bernin’ to the Beach, your money is reflected in that section. The participant fees are paid as a monthly or yearly membership for Rock Steady Boxing. For participants who cannot pay those fees, scholarships are available. Finally, the grant money was funded by CarolinaEast Foundation, Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund, Harold H. Bate Foundation, and The Parkinson’s Foundation.

This was arguably the biggest year for BBP, as we were able to secure transportation and a new space for BBP operations and Rock Steady Boxing. The graph below shows how the funds were allocated.

The operational fees, RSB Transportation, and many of the costs associated with the new facility were primarily funded with grant money. Grants along with participant fees are also used to pay RSB coaches. Your donations are largely used for Rock Steady Boxing and for individual grants to community members (this would include things like installation of accessibility equipment in a home or a mobility device).

If you have questions about how the money is allocated, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of the board members. We are incredibly grateful to Barbara Brown for keeping very careful records to ensure that we are always held accountable for spending and so we can share transparently with our supporters.

We hope that each of you knows how much we value your contributions, and we hope that you feel that we are good stewards of your money.

If you are looking to support other worthy causes related to health and wellness, please check out some of the suggestions below.



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